Not much, what’s new with you?

A lot has happened since I moved to Chicago. I have overdrawn my account three times. I got an emergency grant that saved my butt. A successful Network Summit for work. There was a lost dog in the backyard, and each of the house-mates reacted differently. I personally decided to make zero eye contact with it, walking all the way around the block to throw away my trash and prop open the back gate to try and lure her into the back alley with nothing but the promise of not having to see me peer through my kitchen blinds every 45 minutes.

Kevin Joseph Kelly passed away suddenly.

I finally got COVID.

I got a tattoo.

Today is Halloween.

Comfortably in Cleveland, I accidentally slept through my alarm but quickly biked up W. 65th to get to the lake for Monday Morning Disco. Molly AH and Jayne sat kindly waiting for me as I rode up at 8:05am, the music already playing from my bike. We started to groove and I pointed out the heron on the lake; they both nodded, they had seen it before I arrived. We danced and Emily arrived, and Abby. And Do and Shelley stopped by for a song and mentioned that Sister Mary Kay was also at the park. The heron was mentioned again, and Eddie walked by.

9am coffee at Ready Set and my Instagram account has been suspended, for what reason? I have no idea. This is the point in my day where I feel like the universe finds exactly the right way to give me exactly what I want, which at this point is to focus on my work… you know, the work that I haven’t been doing. I keep returning to the app, just to be reminded that they won’t let me in, even if I needed to be there. But I don’t, really. Where I need to be is the other screen; the bigger, older one that is easier to focus on.

The window with the field where I enter my response and the person on the other side hopefully receives it well.




Accessibility & Digital Inequalities